Privacy Policy

Chnaris Hotel Management, Development & Consulting S.A. is committed to preserving the privacy of every visitor to its Website. Our Company has already assigned a Data Protection Officer with whom you may communicate directly for any kind of queries or clarifications concerning the present privacy policy to the contact details: (+30) 2810263664,  Please read this privacy policy to understand how we use and protect the personal information that you provide to us. All references to this privacy policy: to our "Website" refer to the website, to "we", "us" and "our" refer to Chnaris Hotel Management, Development & Consulting S.A. and to "you" and "your" are to you, the user. This privacy policy only covers the elaboration and collection of all personal data provided through this website. Other websites which are accessed via links within our Website are not covered by this policy.

Use and Collection of Information
When you submit a holiday query to us through our website or by email, we will ask you to provide us with some personal information, such as your name, email address, street address, phone number and the names and ages of those travelling with you and in case it is necessary your bank account details or the details of your credit card that will be used to complete the payment procedure. We will also ask all the necessary information concerning your booking such as the place of accommodation, the stay period as well as all information that is included in the specialized booking form provided to you by email. Finally, we may collect additional information concerning you through the use of our website by yourselves (see below information concerning the cookies policy and information relevant to all automated means).

The above mentioned collected personal data will be used for the sole purpose of the completion of your order / booking and of our in between agreement and provision of services. Within the limits of this elaboration, their storage into our company’s records and files, their transmission to our services providers and their elaboration for invoicing purposes are included. Information you enter into our booking forms may be collected and stored briefly by us so that we may contact you in relation to the nature of your enquiry/attempted booking, even if you don't confirm the booking. This data may also be used for e-mail messages, SMS messages, or phone calls to ask you about the non-completion of your transaction or any other information regarding the possible provision of the services, within the limits of our intention to provide you with the highest possible level of services and the most effective management of your requests.

We may contact you by email in respect of any products and services provided by our company, special offers we may have available, discounts and possible promotion activities. In case our company actually proceeds to this kind of promotional activities as described above, during our first communication with you, we will clearly ask you provide us with your consent in order for us to continue sending you such kind of promotional material. Since you provide us with your consent, in every later communication, you will also be provided with the option of recalling your consent easily, directly and inexpensively through clicking on the “unsubscribe” button. In case you choose to recall your consent, the above mentioned elaboration of your personal data by our company will automatically cease.

While you communicate with us through our communication form or by sending us an email, your provided personal data (name, surname, address, country, telephone number and email address) will be stored so that we may have the possibility to contact you. In our communication form, all fields which are mandatory for the completion of your request are specifically marked. These specific pieces of information are used for the best possible filing and handling of your query. The provision of these pieces of personal data is clearly voluntary and upon your consent, according to article 6, paragraph 1a of the GDPR. Since you give us your consent to use your communication details such as your email address or your phone number, we shall have the right, depending on the case, to contact you.

You of course have the right to withdraw your consent at any time having a future effect. Right after the withdrawal of your consent, we shall delete your personal data as well as we cease any kind of their elaboration.

All of the job application forms through our site are stored with the exclusive purpose to be elaborated by the relevant employer, who is going to be either our company or one of our hoteliers – partners. All provided personal data mentioned on that job application form (all of your answers or any attached documents) are deleted automatically or are surrounded by anonymity within a reasonable time frame after the completion of the human resources recruitment for the specific vacancies. 

Chnaris Hotel Management, Development & Consulting S.A. will not use the provided on the job application form personal data for any kind of purpose other than the employer’s possibility to receive this application form or to further elaborate it having as a sole aim your eventual recruitment. 

Finally, collected data as described above may be elaborated for purposes of sales statistics, sales management, visitors’ origins and preferences etc. This kind of elaboration is completed only on anonymous basis of statistical nature in a way that the provision of such kind of personal information to a third party is impossible.


Legal Basis of elaboration of information

We elaborate the personal data which concern your identification details and all details of your booking as absolutely necessary for the completion of our in between agreement and the provision of our services. In case this data is not collected, the provision of the services by ourselves and our in between collaboration will be impossible.

We legally elaborate any of your contact details for the materialization of any promotional activities, suggestions, information etc since you provide us with your consent as mentioned previously. In case you recall your consent, any kind of such elaboration will be ceased. 


Data recipients

The company does not communicate your personal information in any kind of way and shall not transmit  or provide them to any kind of third parties, subsidiary companies, commercial or business partners without your prior information and consent, except of the cases mentioned in this policy.

We will fully co-operate with any law enforcement authorities or court order requesting or directing us to disclose the identity of or to locate anyone posting any defamatory, obscene or otherwise illegal material onto our Website. We may also disclose information to protect us in respect of legal or contractual obligations.

The company communicates all necessary personal information of your booking to our partners – service providers (such as hotels, tourist properties, tourist agencies) depending on your requested booking. This communication of personal information is done exclusively for the sole purpose of the provision of the relevant services and is not related with any other kind of personal data communication. The recipients of your personal data cannot be named as everything depends on the special nature of your booking request. However, we make sure that all of our partners have a high level of personal data protection.

On our website, you may proceed with your booking through the site, whose privacy policy is provided under the relevant link before the completion of your booking.

The company has the possibility to further communicate the provided on our job application form personal data to eventual human resources managers. All human resources managers do not have direct access to our job applicants’ database. All employers have access to curriculum vitae of the users who have shown an interest to one of the vacancies announcements of their company for a reasonable time limit, which in any case cannot exceed the three years from the date of the announcement of the vacancy.


Period of Storage of Information

The information you provide to us concerning your booking and the provision of services will be held in our files and records for a period of five (5) years starting from 01/01 of the next year of the year during which the service was provided, which is also the limit of the prescription of the right of compensation that may arise by such a transaction. In a pending legal case concerning this transaction, the personal information is storaged in order for us to defend our legitimate interests until the final decision on the dispute.

Your personal data that may be registered on any kind of financial documents like invoices etc and into our financial records shall be stored for as long as it is the financial authorities and services have a right to commit any kind of financial control. Till this day, this time limitation comes up to fifteen years (15). In case this time limitation is amended, the period of storage of personal data will be accordingly amended as well.

All personal data related to promotional or similar activities will be stored for a period of two (2) years, unless you recall your consent when it is directly deleted.

The data provided on your job application form  for a position in our company or in one of our partners- suppliers (such as hotels, tourist properties, tourist agencies) will be stored for three (3) years, except for the case when you withdraw your consent and all of your personal data will be immediately deleted.

In case your personal data is not absolutely necessary for the completion of the above described purposes, it is stored for a short and reasonable period of time based on the specific collection purpose.



Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer by the websites you visit. They are widely used in order to make websites more efficient as well as to provide information to the owners of the site. They allow us to provide you with the best possible browsing experience, thus understanding the way you use our site. Some cookies have already been set. You may delete or block cookies but parts of our site won't work without them. By using our website you accept the use of these cookies.


Use of Cookies
We use cookies on our Website as they make it easier for you to log on to and use our Website during future visits. They also allow us to monitor Website traffic, enhance functionality and to personalize the content of our Website for you. You can set up your computer to reject the cookies although, if you do so, you may not be able to use certain features on our Website.


Types of cookies we use
Like most large websites, Chnaris Hotel Management, Development & Consulting S.A. uses session cookies and persistent cookies. Neither session cookies nor persistent cookies collect any personally identifiable information.


Session cookies

We use session cookies, which last only during your visit (your 'session') and they are deleted when you close your browser. These simply enable us to identify that the same person is moving from page to page.


Persistent cookies

We also use certain cookies that are persistent. These remain on your computer after you have visited our site, meaning that our site can remember your settings when you revisit us. For example, it may be able to remember some of your searches on our website. We then set persistent cookies so we don’t have to ask you the same question again next time you visit our website. Persistent cookies last for a specific pre-defined period unless they are deleted. Some of our cookies are applied by our advertising partners to help manage our online advertising. These cookies enable us to learn which advertisements attract customers to our website and help us manage our advertising spend by only using adverts and websites that prove to be effective. The information that we collect and share is anonymous and not personally identifiable. It does not contain your name, address, telephone number, or email address. Similarly, we also use Google Analytics to allow us to track how popular our site is and to record visitor trends over time such as tracking which pages users visit.

Most web browsers allow some control of most cookies through the browser settings. To find out more about cookies, including how to see what cookies have been set on your computer and how to manage and delete them, visit

In all cases, during your first visit on our website, we always ask for your consent to use the cookies to the extend where we consider it unnecessary for our website’s good functionality.


Collection of information through automated means

During your visit on this website, we collect information through certain automated means, by using technologies like the cookies, web server logs and web beacons.

It is also probable that we may use a third party web analytics services  on the present page, our social media networking pages or our mobile applications. Service providers who manage these services use technologies like the cookies, web server logs and web beacons to help us analyze the way the visitors use this page. All information collected by using these means (including the location of the IP address) is disclosed to these service providers, who use these pieces of information to evaluate the use of the website.

During your visit to our website, we kindly ask you to provide us, through a positive action, with your consent to this processing as well as the use of cookies as described above.  


Targeted advertising

We may also assign our advertisements to third-party ad networks that collect IP addresses and other information using cookies, Web server logs and Web beacons on our websites, emails and internet Third party sites. This information is used to advertise products and services tailored to your interests (including companies not controlled by us). You can see these advertisements on our websites and on other websites too. This process also helps us manage and monitor the effectiveness of our advertising actions. 


How we use the information we collect by automated means

We may use the information collected through automated means on this page to transmit personalized content, for market research, Data analysis and system management purposes, so as to determine whether you have visited us in the past or whether you are new visitors, and to comply with our legal obligations, policies and procedures, including Compliance with the relevant industry standards and enforcement of our terms and conditions. We may also use the information in other ways about which special notice will be provided at the time of collection.


Security and confidentiality of personal data

The company has made significant efforts to take all preventive measures to maintain the confidentiality and security of personal data and to prevent the Distortion, damage, destruction, and their accessibility by unauthorized third parties. Technical and organizational security measures include cutting-edge technology. We also maintain appropriate administrative, technical and physical safeguards designed to protect the personal information you provide from accidental, illegal or unauthorized destruction, loss, alteration, access, disclosure, or use.

 However, the company cannot control the risk associated with the operation of the Internet and therefore draws your attention to the existence of potential risks related to its use and operation.


Your rights and choices

In accordance with existing legislation and with the restrictions laid down therein, you have the following rights in relation to your personal data:

In order to exercise any of your rights and get any information or clarification regarding them and the conditions under which you can exercise them, you should contact the data protection officer in the contact details mentioned in paragraph 1. The data Protection Officer will provide you with any further information and guidance on the steps you need to take.

In addition, in accordance with the existing legislation, you have the right, in case you consider that the legislation for the protection of your data is being violated, to complain before the competent Data protection authority (for Greece, Personal data protection Authority.1 Avenue Kifisias – 115 23 – Athens, Tel. 210 6475600) and submit a relevant complaint.


Contact us

For any questions or clarifications regarding this policy, as well as for any questions or requests regarding the processing of your personal data, please contact our Data protection officer directly at or on the phone (+ 30) 2810 263664




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